Leguán a jiné povídky (Iguana and Other Tales) is a book of short stories for young people aged 11 – 15, which was jointly published by the community interest company, Celé Česko čte dětem (Every Czech Reads to Kids), and the Municipal Library of Cieszyn. The book is one of the outputs of the cross-border Czech-Polish project, entitled Emoce bez hranic (Emotions Without Borders).
The publication targets young people who are facing many of today’s problems.
Six renowned and popular writers from both countries contributed to the book with their stories, i.e. Alena Ježková, Petra Soukupová and Michal Viewegh from the Czech Republic and Paweł Beręsewicz, Zuzanna Orlińska and Ewa Stadtmüller from Poland. These authors delved into the world of teenagers and produced original tales on the subject of old age, differences, teen years, aggression, materialism and the Internet – a good servant but a bad master.
The individual tales were illustrated by Jakub Kouřil.
The first 1,000 copies of the ‘Iguanas’ were distributed to children at bibliotherapy workshops (bibliotherapy = therapy that involves storytelling and reading with the purpose of healing) that were held within the project in September and October 2018.