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About the Project
Every Czech Reads to Kids
How did it all begin?
Who supports us?
Our awards
Special thanks
Management and Supervisory Board
Our Activities
The Week of Reading to Kids
Reading in Hospitals
My First Book
Kindergarten Granny
Atelier of Creative Writing
Čtenářské dílny
Conferences and Seminars
Books for Children in Hospitals
Book fairs, bazaars and festivals
International Projects
We published
Tipy pro rodiče - jakou knihu vybrat dětem
Kapuce od mikiny
Donors and Partners
Individual Donors
Donors and Partners
For Parents
For Kids
How to Join Us
Who supports us?
prof. PhDr. Josef Jařab, CSc., dr. h. c., Americanist, university professor and literary scientist
Our Partners
General partner
Main partners
Donors and Partners
Individual Donors
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